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Tromsø Aquaculture Research Station (Havbruksstasjonen i Tromsø) is a modern research facility for experimental studies of marine fish, freshwater fish, molluscs, crustaceans and other aquatic organisms.

Steinbit blir fanget i kar

Access to pure fresh water and seawater combined with a central location offer unique opportunities for experimental studies under Arctic light and temperature conditions. Facilities range from small land-based tanks to full-scale sea cages.

Oversiktsbilde Landanlegget og FiskehelselaboratorietThe Land based Research Facility (Landanlegget) is adapted for studies in controlled conditions. The facility compromises many experiment rooms equipped with tanks of different sizes. Heated and cooled water enable each tank to be supplied with water of the desired temperature and salinity. Any season may be simulated regardless of natural light, temperature and salinity.

PrøverThe Fish Health Laboratory (Fiskehelselaboratoriet) is designed for challenge studies involving fish. Strict demands are placed on such operation and the facility is certified for work involving bacteria and viruses. The laboratory offers a high level of flexibility in the choice of tank, water quality, temperature, light regime and feeding routine. This offers the possibility to carry out experiments on many fish species in different life stages and with different demands on the environment.

Oversiktsbilde Nofima, KraknesCentre for Marine Aquaculture (Senter for marin akvakultur) is the production facility for the Norwegian Cod Breeding Program. Nofima has the overall responsibility for the centre, while Tromsø Aquaculture Research Station is responsible for the practical operation of the centre`s land and sea unit. The breeding program improves the characteristics of farmed cod using family-based selection. Centre for Marine Aquaculture is now being increasingly used to do research outside cod breeding, including research on lumpsucker, which is used to eat lice from farmed salmon, and research on the effect of ocean acidification on reproduction in cod.



Are you interested in doing reseach at Tromsø Aquaculture Research Station?

Please contact one of the managers at the different facilities.